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Workplace culture: An employers guide to a whistleblowing strategy

26 September 2024

Whistleblowing claims are on the rise and whilst many employers are keen to root out unethical behaviour the correct processes are not always in place. Watch our latest webinar. 

During this webinar we consider:

  • How employers can foster a positive workplace culture and minimise the risk of incidents occurring in the first place.
  • How to handle a whistleblowing complaint should it occur, including how to conduct a thorough investigation.
  • Post-incident learning and actions.

Whistleblowing complaints are notoriously complex and investigations are rarely straightforward, we will set out the legal parameters from both an employment law and regulatory perspective.  We will provide insight into regulatory compliance and the importance of legal privilege when handling a whistleblowing investigation. 

Throughout the webinar we highlight the importance of a supportive workplace culture which allows concerns to be appropriately raised and addressed for the benefit of the whole organisation.

Watch the webinar


Further Reading