Chris supports our corporate and insurance clients across most sectors throughout the world. He has led investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption in West Africa; false shipping documentation generated in the Far East; and cyber-attacks directed at businesses and charities throughout Europe.
He has commented on fraud to the media and has given numerous presentations on fraud to various UK Government Offices. Chris is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, an ADR Accredited Mediator and an CFPAB Accredited Counter Fraud specialist. He has given evidence as a quantum expert in adjudications and ICC arbitrations and has been a witness of fact for the CPS at various UK Crown Courts following investigations arising from whistle-blowing allegations and a direct result of his own intuition when consulted by auditors and insurance claims handlers.
Chris is also a passionate runner and competes in trail and mountain ultras at distances up to 100 miles.