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Corrado Ghielmi

Counsel, Milan

Corrado is a lawyer with 15 years of experience in banking, financial markets and insurance law as well as collective asset management.


He provides legal assistance to banks, financial intermediaries, asset management companies/funds, payment institutions and insurance companies in the field of industry regulations and, in particular, (i) investment services and trading venues (MiFID II/MiFIR); (ii) compliance obligations; (iii) anti-money laundering; (iv) relations with industry supervisory authorities (Consob, Bank of Italy and IVASS): in particular assistance in periodic interlocutions with the Authorities, in administrative proceedings for the establishment of new intermediaries, in the acquisition of significant shareholdings, in verifying the requirements of directors, in admission to regulatory sandboxes and in the legal assistance of the intermediary against administrative sanction procedures; (v) collective asset management (both alternative funds and UCITS); (vi) open banking and payment services (PSD2); (vii) FinTech (advisory, automated, crypto activities - drafting of white papers, VASP applications, assistance ICOs -, crowdfunding); (viii) corporate secretarial and corporate law, including assistance to supervised companies - financial intermediaries and listed companies - on drafting minutes of the Board of Directors (and board committees), verification of the requirements of corporate officers, transactions with related parties; (ix) supervisory obligations of banks, banking and financial intermediaries; (x) banking transparency; (xi) PRIIPS and insurance products; (xii) sustainable finance and ESG investment; (xiii) derivatives regulation; and (xiv) data protection regulation (GDPR).


  • Brescia Bar Association 

Recent Cases

  • Set up of a venture capital fund in the Agritech & Food sector;
  • Advising in the area of corporate governance of the Bank;
  • Due diligence and gap analysis post acquisition and merger between two asset management companies;
  • Liquidation of a real estate fund;
  • Preparation of a memorandum for a custodian bank on NAV calculation in master feeder collective management structures.


  • "Trading venues in the context of MiFID II and MiFIR regulations" in “Diritto Bancario” (ISSN 2279-9737), April 2015.
  • "Innovations in corporate finance following the “Growth Decrees” - mini-bonds and commercial paper" in “Diritto Bancario” (ISSN 2279-9737), March 2014.
  •  "Acceptable market practices in market abuse regulation" in “La responsabilità amministrativa delle società e degli enti” (ISSN 2239-2416), II, 2013.
  • "The Alternative Investment Fund Directive" in “Diritto Bancario” (ISSN 2279-9737).
  • "New rules for unit-linked policies under Luxembourg law" in “Insurance Daily”, 13 April 2015.