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General Zoning Plan for Warsaw

03 September 2024
Warsaw City Council adopted a resolution launching work on a general zoning plan for the city of Warsaw.

Between the 4th and 30th of September it is possible to submit proposals in respect of  the general zoning plan, which will determine the permitted development and use of real properties in Warsaw.

  • The general zoning plan is a new planning instrument regulated in the amended Act on Zoning and Development ("Act").
  • The general zoning plan will divide the City of Warsaw into separate zones with specific purposes, e.g., multifunctional zones with multi-family residential buildings, service zones or communication zones;
  • The general zoning plan will specify binding development parameters such as permissible intensity or height of development and the proportion of biologically active areas;
  • New local zoning plans and amendments to existing zoning plans will have to be consistent with the general zoning plan;
  • Zoning permits will only be issued within the areas specified in the general zoning plan and in accordance with the provisions of the general zoning plan;
  • The current study for the Capital City of Warsaw will expire upon entry into force of the general zoning plan.

The first stage of the procedure for adopting the general zoning plan provides for the submission of proposals. Proposals on the content of the general zoning plan can be submitted by all interested parties and will be taken into account when preparing the draft of the general zoning plan.

Why it’s important to participate in the proposal procedure.

  • The general zoning plan will set out the rules for the development of every real property in Warsaw.
  • If you fail to inform the City authorities about the intended use of your real property, such intended use will not be taken into account in the draft general zoning plan.
  • It is not currently known whether the general zoning plan will be subsequently amended.

As a proposal, a real property owner may suggest zoning at its real property for the conduct of, e.g., residential development, services, shopping mall, photovoltaics or other zones as provided by the Act. It is also possible to propose other parameters such as, e.g., a maximum height and intensity of development. Proposals should be consistent with the legal framework set out in the Act and in secondary legislation, including basic profiles and supplementary profiles. It is also advisable to justify the proposal on legal grounds. Once the proposals have been collected, the City of Warsaw will prepare a first draft of the general zoning plan taking them into account, together with an explanatory memorandum and an environmental impact assessment. The draft will be subject to approvals of governmental agencies as well as public consultations, and will subsequently be adopted by the City Council.

We have successfully represented clients in the process of adopting local zoning plans and would be delighted to assist you in this process in relation to the City of Warsaw. The same procedures are or will also be applied in other municipalities in Poland.

Contact us for more information.

Further Reading