Unlike most other ESG obligations currently in force, this will not be a "comply-explain" obligation, but a "comply or be liable" obligation. It will require action beyond mere reporting, and it comes with regulatory, civil enforcement and compensation mechanisms.
CS3D aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour by establishing due diligence requirements on both human rights and the environment. More specifically, its requirements relate to identifying, managing, prioritising, preventing, mitigating and eliminating adverse impacts of chain of activities of companies' operations, the operations of their subsidiaries, and business partners on human rights and the environment.
Will this apply to your company?
Companies falling within scope will help to create a critical mass of the business market to affect behavioural changes in support of a sustainable and just economy. Applicability criteria mainly relate to turnover in the last financial year for which annual financial statements have or should have been adopted.
The Directive applies to companies established in the EU with over 1000 employees and a net worldwide turnover over €450million. It also applies to a company which did not meet these two thresholds, but is the ultimate parent company of a group that reaches the thresholds in the last financial year for which consolidated annual financial statements have been or should have been adopted.
It has extra-territorial applicability, catching third-country companies, i.e. those established outside the EU, with over €450 million of turnover in the EU in the financial year preceding the last financial year. It also applies to a third-country company which did not meet this turnover threshold, but is the ultimate parent company of a group that did in the financial year preceding the last financial year.
There are further criteria related to franchising and licensing agreements in the EU with a specific thresholds of royalties in excess of €22.5million combined with a net worldwide turnover or turnover within the EU of €80million (depending on whether the company is formed in an EU member state or a third country).
If you fall outside of the direct scope, then you should also consider whether you are in the chain of activities of any other entity who is in direct scope. If you are in their chain of activities, then they will cascade their CS3D requirements down to you.