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What does a new Labour government mean for employment law?

Date: 13 November 2024, 12:00 - 13:00
Location: GoToWebinar
Labour's Plan to Make Work Pay set out extensive employment law reform and with the new government now in place we can expect to start seeing change come through on an unprecedented scale. During this session we will discuss the changes on the horizon and what employers can do now to prepare.

Event details

We will consider some of the key areas of reform we can expect, from making unfair dismissal a day one right, to ending the "scourges" of fire and rehire, to extended pay gap reporting.

This hour-long session will benefit those with responsibility for managing blended workforces including HR, talent acquisition, procurement, legal and c-suite leadership, helping attendees to stay informed and ahead of the evolving regulatory landscape. 

The webinar will be introduced by Simon Blockley, CEO Impellam UK and Europe and led by Jon Keeble, Employment Partner DWF and Nigel Crebbin, Employment Director DWF who will be discussing the above topics, likely timescales and more with the Impellam Group Legal Team.