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Webinar: UK Employment Law Update

Date: 14 October 2024, 12:00 - 13:15
Location: GoToWebinar
We would be delighted if you could join us at our webinar where we will update you on the latest employment law developments. 

Event details

Our webinar will include:

  • What a new government could mean for employment law – Labour's Plan to Make Work Pay sets out extensive employment law reform.  With the new government firmly in place and a pledge to table legislation within the first 100 days of taking office, we can expect to start seeing the detail over the coming months together with extensive consultation.  We will consider some of the key areas of reform we can expect, from making unfair dismissal a day one right, to ending the "scourges" of fire and rehire, to extended pay gap reporting
  • Case update – A practical update on the latest cases from the courts and tribunals – including a discrimination round-up and the most recent whistleblowing cases. 
  • Human rights and employment law – There is  increasing interaction between human rights law and employee rights in the workplace – we will examine how curating a safe place to work is a crucial step in protecting human rights.  We will also explore the relationship between the "S" from "ESG" (environmental, social and governance) and human rights. 
  • What's on the horizon? – We will conclude the webinar with a horizon scan of what the future may look like for employment law and how employers can navigate the changes ahead.