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Alexander Rose

Partner, Newcastle

Alexander is one of the UK's leading Public Funding lawyers, with an international reputation for his expertise in Subsidy Control, EU State aid law and grant funding programmes.
Alex Rose large


Alexander is a Partner in the Commercial and Competition team at DWF. He is a highly sought after expert in matters involving public funding, including Subsidy Control. 

Alexander's expertise has been independently recognised by the Chambers Directory, Who's Who Legal and Legal 500.  He also recently won a Lexology Client Choice Award for lawyers who stand out for their excellent client care - this prize is based upon votes cast by in-house lawyers and other clients.

At DWF, Alexander has established a wide ranging practice spanning the public and private sector.   He is a trusted adviser to many public authorities, advising upon major projects and funding programmes.  He also advises companies looking to secure public funding and respond to audits.  Examples of recent work include advising a public body on works to build the UK's first spaceport, a large automotive manufacturer on how to comply with Subsidy Control requirements in respect of a subsidy to build a gigafactory and successfully advising a council in the UK's first Subsidy Control court case. 

Alexander's practice stretches beyond Subsidy Control.  He regularly advises upon a range of public sector matters including defending projects from clawback, vires, the drafting of funding agreements and the setting up of funding programmes.

However it is for subsidy compliance that he has a national reputation, including giving evidence as an expert witness to the House of Commons Select Committee on the Subsidy Control Bill and, alongside DWF's highly regarded specialist Subsidy Control team, advising upon over 20% of successful Levelling Up Fund projects.  

Prior to joining DWF Alexander worked for over seven years within the Government Legal Department.  In this in-house role, he wrote national guidance, provided legal advice in respect of compliance questions arising during the delivery of seven large funding programmes and advised Ministers upon important regeneration initiatives such as devolution deals and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. In 2014, he was seconded by the Cabinet Office to work within the European Commission as a detached national expert, working in Brussels at DG Competition and DG Regio.

Outside work, Alexander enjoys art and football.  


"Alexander brings a wealth of experience to bear on inward investment projects" – Client quote from the Chambers Directory

"He is responsive and provides excellent advice that demonstrates commercial awareness"  - Client quote from the Chambers Directory

"He is a leading expert" –  Client quote from the Chambers Directory

“DWF are simply the best Subsidy Control and State aid practice outside the City of London. They have unrivalled experience acting for applicants for subsidy and subsidy granting bodies, right across the board, large and small.” - Client quote from the Legal 500 Directory.

"He is a fount of knowledge. He does not miss a trick around the latest developments on State aid" – Client quote from the Chambers Directory


Alexander has an excellent reputation for providing lively and informative training sessions.  He has over 15 year's experience of providing legal training and currently Chairs Lexxion's UK Subsidy Control events. 

He has provided over 70 training sessions on the State aid / Subsidy Control rules for Government Departments, Mayoral Combined Authorities, Local Authorities and private sector businesses.  

He has previously been a speaker at the State aid law experts' conference (ESTALI) and appeared at the European Parliament to talk about financial instruments.


Lexology Client Choice Award 2022 – Competition Law (Subsidy Control / State aid). 


Alexander regularly appears in the press providing views on legal issues.  This includes Subsidy Control, the EU Foreign Subsidies Regime, Levelling Up and Brexit.  This includes appearing on Sky News and the BBC Today programme, as well as being reported in publications such as the Financial Times, Le Monde, the Economist, the Telegraph and on the BBC website. 

Alexander has also written national guidance for the Gov.uk website, contributed to a leading academic textbook on State aid and been on the Board of Editors of an academic journal.

Notable cases

The Durham Company Ltd (trading as Max Recycle) v Durham County Council. [2020] EWHC 3200 (Ch)

The Durham Company Ltd (trading as Max Recycle) v Durham County Council [2022] EWCA Civ 66


Board Member – UK State aid law association (UKSALA) 

Board Member – North East Battery Alliance
