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Chris Stefani: Executive Interview

06 December 2022

CFO, Chris Stefani, talked to Edison as part of their regular series which helps to introduce listed businesses to new investors. Amongst other topics, Chris discusses the opportunities created through our completed transaction with Whitelaw Twining.

In this interview Chris Stefani introduces the DWF Group to new investors and discusses medium-term growth targets. He goes on to talk about the high quality of the group’s revenue and the potential for growth in its smallest division, Mindcrest.

Finally, he discusses the recent acquisition of Whitelaw Twining, the outlook for debt levels, cost control and the work/life balance at DWF, as well as rewards for shareholders. 

Watch the interview


DWF Group is the leading quoted global provider of integrated legal and business services, operating in nearly 19 countries and employing more than 4,000 staff.

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