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Legal Operations Maturity Assessment

DWF’s Legal Operations & Technology Consulting team (LOTC) provides objective, independent support for in-house legal teams looking to transform their legal service, tailored to fit whatever stage of the journey you are at. We excel at breaking down and redesigning legal processes, using best practices and adaptable resources, and maximizing technology usage.

Our Legal Operations Maturity Assessment provides a benchmark of how your legal support services are currently working as against industry recognised competencies, a comprehensive overview of how your users, lawyers and stakeholders regard the legal service and what opportunities for improvement should be prioritised. 

Why use our Legal Operations Maturity Assessments?

Our LOTC team assesses the health of your legal function using industry-standard benchmarking factors known as the CLOC Core 12 Competencies. These are 12 essential competencies defined by the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium to help legal departments enhance efficiency, effectiveness and business impact. The result is a better understanding of your legal function and roadmap for improvement.

By taking the viewpoints objectively from across your legal team as well as from the key stakeholders in your business, we can provide an independent assessment of where your team’s transformation journey is up to and whether any gaps are emerging.

How do we provide Legal Operations Maturity Assessments?

Our appraisal of the current state of your in-house legal function will be conducted to provide you with clear and actionable recommendations for improvements:

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