DWF CMA Australia manages claims on behalf of insurer clients, many of which are members of the Insurance Council of Australia and subject to the Code.
The Code has been designed to raise the customer service standards in the Australian insurance industry and protects the rights of policyholders. It is the general insurance industry’s promise to be open fair and honest in the way it deals with all its customers. A full copy of the Code can be found here.
Our Process
DWF CMA Australia are committed to handling and resolving complaints in an honest, efficient, fair, transparent and timely manner. You can make a complaint via your insurer, broker, or directly to DWF CMA Australia by:
Email - complaints.australia@dwfclaims.com
Phone - 1300 951 015
Letter - Level 6 / 249 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000
Timeframes in line with the General Insurance Code of Practice
We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day.
We will keep you informed about the progress of your complaint at least every 10 business days, unless it is resolved earlier or you agree to a different timeframe.
If all the relevant information has been received, we will, within 10 business days of receipt of a complaint either:
- Complete the investigation and advise you of the outcome (if the outcome is in your favour) or
- Refer the matter to our client (if it falls outside our authority to handle or to perform a second-stage review) or
- Advise you if we need additional time to complete our investigation.
Once we have completed our investigation we will advise you in writing of the outcome. If the outcome is not in your favour we will:
- Advise you of the reasons for our determination; and
- Advise you that you may refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) who can be contacted on the below details.
Website: www.afca.org.au
Telephone: 1800 931 678
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Please note: You may refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) at any time.
Supporting Vulnerability
Our Commitment
DWF CMA Australia is committed to our Clients' approach in their support of claimants who may be experiencing vulnerability at various stages of their lives. This vulnerability may result from life events, such as an illness, natural disaster or loss of income. Other factors may be longer term – such as a disability or financial distress.
Where we recognise a claimant is experiencing vulnerability, we will treat them with sensitivity, dignity, respect and compassion. A sensitive and holistic approach to supporting claimants allows them to continue to participate in the claims process and finalise their claim with minimal distress.
We encourage people who may be experiencing vulnerability to tell us about their circumstances, so we can work together to identify the best avenues for support. This may require an escalation to a specialised support team or person, or provision of information on additional support services where their requirements exceed our ability to support them.
Family and Domestic Violence
DWF CMA Australia recognises the importance of appropriate and sensitive claims handling for our staff interacting with any person affected by domestic or family violence.
Our staff who may come into contact with claimants experiencing domestic or family violence will receive ongoing training to ensure they:
- Can recognise early warning signs from a claimant
- Can act in a manner which ensures appropriate and sensitive claims handling
- Can refer the claimant to relevant support services
- Outline the process for applying for financial hardship
- Ensure the protection of private and confidential information
Financial Hardship
DWF CMA Australia recognises that claimants may experience financial hardship for numerous reasons. If a claimant discloses to us or we identify that a claimant may be experiencing financial hardship we will:
- Outline the process for applying for financial hardship
- Fast-track the financial hardship application process
- Minimise the information and documents that claimants are required to provide (where appropriate)
- Refer the claimant to the National Debt Helpline (1800 007 007) for further financial assistance
- Fast track assessment and settlement of claims where possible
Language and Communication Support
National Relay Service
DWF CMA Australia welcomes calls through the National Relay Service.
For more information, visit the NRS website www.communications.gov.au to choose your preferred access point or call the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660.
Translating and Interpreting Service
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service providing services to non-English speaking Australian citizens and permanent residents.
Call TIS National on 131 450
An automated prompt will ask you which language you need. Please state the language you require.
Once connected with an interpreter in your language, please provide your name, advise you wish to speak with DWF Claims (Australia) Pty Limited and provide them with the contact number for your claims consultant
Stay on the line while the operator connects you and the interpreter through to DWF Claims (Australia) Pty Limited
Support Resources
If you need support or guidance, you can reach out to these services:
National 24-hour Domestic & Family Violence and Sexual Assault Line
1800 737 732
24/7 support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship issues
1300 789 978
24/7 counselling & referral service for people in a crisis situation
13 11 14
Beyond Blue
24/7 support to people experiencing anxiety or depression
1300 224 636
National Debt Hotline
A free, confidential financial counselling service to assist people in financial difficulty
1800 007 007
National Association of Community Legal Centres
An independent not-for-profit community organisation that provides legal and related services to the public, focusing on the disadvantaged and people with special needs.