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Global Risks: Horizon Scanning

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In this report our global risks experts look back at developments during the course of 2024 and look ahead to the challenges that we face in 2025. 

2024 marked a significant milestone in bringing towards a close the years of legal wrangling, both at an insurance and reinsurance level, of the many Covid-19 coverage disputes. Some disputes and issues are still continuing but it is to be hoped that the worst of it is behind us.

As there is also repeated focus on the “return to the office”, it might be natural to think that life is returning to the pre-pandemic “normal” state. However, it would not be hyperbole to say that the world we live in today is far riskier and more dangerous than it has been for decades, and for many, in living memory. New threats are emerging and old threats are becoming manifest in new places with unprecedented speed.

As we discuss in this report this evolution gives rise to new disputes and new challenges. It is vital, therefore to ensure that policy wordings, including some market standards, remain fit for purpose.

Report highlights

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