DWF in Poland's comprehensive legal support to JTL covered all stages of the transaction, including due diligence, preparation and negotiation of transaction documentation, and assistance during the signing and closing process.
The project was led by Radosław Biedecki, Senior Counsel with the support of Anna Wietrzyńska-Ciołkowska, Local Partner from the Corporate and M&A Department. The team included: Agnieszka Duda, Of Counsel from the Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Technological Compliance Department, Dr Izabela Szczygielska, Local Partner from the Employment Department, Ewelina Madej, Counsel, Karolina Bać and Magdalena Bronikowska, Junior Associates from the Intellectual Property Department as well as Iga Białek from the Corporate and M&A Department. Supervision was provided by Michał Pawłowski, Managing Partner.
JTL-Software-GmbH, a leading provider of multichannel retailing software, helps 50,000 businesses optimise their operations through innovative digital tools.
Dealavo Sp. z o.o. a data-driven company specialising in delivering actionable e-commerce insights to brands and e-shops.