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5 STAR Futures

0115 5 STAR Futures WT Banner 767 x 431

Aligned with our strategic business purpose, DWF 5 STAR Futures is our community education programme with a purpose to enable aspirational young people to unlock their potential by developing their confidence and employability skills to become more work ready. 

Our programme has won awards from Business in the Community, Liverpool Law Society and Manchester Law Society. 

The purpose of the scheme is to enable aspirational young people to unlock their potential by developing their confidence and employability skills to become more work ready. 


5 STAR Futures - Inforgraphic 2020 900x500 

The world of work workshops are delivered by volunteers to help students develop the essential skills needed in the workplace of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.

The main part of the programme involves a group of volunteer coaches from DWF going into local secondary schools as well as visits to our offices for workshops each month.

Through activities and discussion groups on topics such as workplace behaviours, effective communication and resilience, with our final session an Awards Evening where the pupils each give a speech in front of their guests from home, their classmates and their teachers about their 5 STAR Futures experience. 

Social mobility

The legal sector should be open to talent from all economic backgrounds – and there’s still more work to do to put things right. DWF are committed to social mobility and as a member of PRIME an alliance of law firms across the UK, committed to improving access to the legal profession through work experience.

As a member, we have made a commitment to nine key principles that encourage providing work experience opportunities that provide a practical improvement in social mobility for young people from low-income backgrounds.  

Online resources for schools and students
5 STAR Futures aims to support our education and social mobility programmes by making resources, insights, advice and virtual tools available online. 

Our commitment to support students and teachers is more important now than ever before. COVID-19 affected many people and brought new challenges in education. Because of this, we've developed resources to help students achieve their ambitions and teachers the tools to deliver different types of learning.

We plan to return to face-to-face workshops as soon as we are able to, but in the meantime, if you are a teacher or a student view or download the range of resources available from home, enjoy learning new skills and hear our people provide insights to their personal and professional development.
About us
Find out more about DWF
Visit our Careers page

5 Star Futures: Online Resources

Download our useful guides and webinar sessions

My Career Journey

Hear from Community Engagement Officer, Clare Beavan, as she discusses her career journey through the charities sector to her current role at DWF.

Interview and CV guide

Download our guide to help you write an impressive CV and prepare for an interview.

Interview and CV guide



Download our FAQs to find out more about our DWF 5 Star Futures programme.



Pride: Coming out, faith and make-up

Watch this session where Keith Riley (He/Him) and Waz Naqvi (He/Him) talk about what life is like for Waz as a gay man, discuss his love of makeup and how he embraces his Pakistani heritage.

Pride: Coming out, faith and make-up


Releasing your inner creative

This session provides an introduction to innovation and creative problem solving. 


Releasing your inner creative


Diversity and inclusion

Hear about how we promote fairness and equality across our whole business.

Diversity and inclusion


Roles in a legal business

Hear directly from people at DWF about the roles they do and the different career paths they took.

Roles in a legal business


Routes to a legal career

Find out more about the different routes to a career in law, including a legal apprenticeship and graduate training contract.

Routes to a legal career
