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Tax & Private Capital

In an ever-evolving world where companies and individuals are constantly considering and trying to understand tax and wealth implications, having the right support is essential. Our global team of experts will give you the advice you need to overcome the challenges and relish in opportunities, by helping you to plan for a successful future, whether managing commercial change or personal risk.

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Why work with our Tax and Private Capital team?

Having the right understanding of different markets is important when it comes to private client services. Because of the way we work across multiple sectors and jurisdictions, we are known internationally for providing specialist advice that makes a difference.

This enables us to provide decisive and relevant knowledge, which means our clients can trust that we will listen and deliver the best outcomes. Additionally, we are one of the few firms to provide a breadth of expertise across all areas of private capital and do so in a commercially-focused and solution-driven way.

Our corporate legal services can help you

Whether you are an entrepreneur, investor, business owner, high net worth family, fund manager or executive, we use our extensive knowledge of private client services and team of dual-qualified and multi-jurisdictional specialists to work with you on:

Related services

Explore our services

  • Corporate Tax
  • Private Capital
  • Share Schemes
  • Tax Investigations and Litigation
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Corporate Tax

Understanding corporate tax and also navigating the complexity of tax systems and global tax services across jurisdictions can be difficult, and often requires expert support. Our specialist team – which includes many skilled tax lawyers – has extensive experience of advising buyers, sellers, investors and management teams on the tax aspect and the structuring of corporate transactions.
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Private Capital

We are now living for longer and moving around more freely than ever before. As a result, we are facing a world where planning for the present and the future is a necessity, not a luxury. While planning for the future can be rewarding, making decisions can also be challenging and highly emotive. Thankfully, our team of private capital experts will help you work with you through this journey. 
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Share Schemes

We understand that the commitment of employees is crucial to success. Remuneration and incentives – such as a share incentive plan – are key, and therefore, our team help you to focus on developing and improving the operational and financial performance of your business. This is all in the knowledge that you are working alongside properly incentivised management teams and employees.
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Tax Investigations and Litigation

The tax landscape is ever-changing and becoming increasingly more complicated. With our presence on the global stage, DWF can rely on an extensive network of skilled lawyers in all major jurisdictions to provide our clients a seamless and co-ordinated approach to significant cross-border cases. 

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T +44 333 320 2220
+44 333 320 4440