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DWF Foundation: Application Form

If you are a registered charity working in a country where DWF has a presence and would like to make an application for a grant, please complete the DWF Foundation application form.

Please note the following:
  • Only requests received via the online application process will be considered.
  • DWF has associations with other law firms but DWF Foundation does not currently fund in these locations: Singapore, South Africa and Turkey.

Please refer to the grant guidelines before you submit your application.

Start application

Please do not press Submit more than once.  A confirmation message will shortly appear to confirm that your application has been sent successfully. 

If you are experiencing any issues with this form please contact webeditor@dwf.law

For further information
Contact Clare Beavan, DWF Foundation Manager
Attend an application workshop
Join the DWF Foundation Manager on an online workshop to help guide you through the application process. Apply now.
Donate to the DWF Foundation
Visit our donate page to make a contribution