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Crisis and Incident Management Service UK

Whether you find yourself dealing with a workplace accident, environmental incident, economic crime & fraud investigation, general crime and road traffic investigation, or an unexpected visit from a regulator, our crisis and incident management experts are on hand to guide and assist you. Register for our 24/7 hotline to safeguard your reputation and protect your business. The service is led by our Tier 1 ranked UK Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations Team.

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Why work with our Crisis and Incident Management team?

A crisis can put your reputation, livelihood, key relationships and financial stability into serious jeopardy. The decisions made in the first hours of a crisis will have an impact that could potentially resound for years. Our team of experts  provide early intervention and long-term support, to help protect you and/or your business and mitigate these effects.

Our rapid response service brings together specialist advisers with detailed knowledge of managing crisis situations. Our experienced team of lawyers, PR specialists, investigators and clinical psychologists are available 24/7 to offer legal advice in the immediate aftermath of an incident and to guide you through your crisis.

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours and exclusive access to our 24/7 hotline number. When you need us we will provide a multi-disciplinary response to any business crisis and can utilise remote technology platforms to quickly access relevant data and streamline investigations.

Our team can efficiently review data and documents even for large-scale investigations and provide the necessary crisis management services you require.

After mobilising the initial response team, we will work closely with you to advise you on how to protect your business, reputation, support your workforce and engage with regulators.

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How we can help you

Crisis situations can be incredibly stressful and emotional for your employees and other stakeholders. For this reason, our Crisis Response team can also assist you in providing expert help to address psychological trauma.

Crisis and Incident Management lawyers work alongside specialist lawyers across multiple sectors and service lines. We can provide a full service to you to assist with all aspects of a crisis, not just regulatory investigations.  

In a digital world, news travels quicker than ever and media attention often generates rapidly, this can have a huge impact upon an organisation's reputation. Having experienced PR specialists on-hand can immediately contain the media interest and ensure you put forward the right response.

Our Crisis and Incident Management experts can help you prepare for, respond to and recover from a crisis

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CIMS Hotline Registration

Please complete the form below to register for our 24/7 service.