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Georgia Taylor

Regulatory Consultant, London

Georgia is a Regulatory Consultant in DWF’s London office. She specialises in regulatory compliance, with a particular focus on advertising, food and other consumer goods.
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Georgia specialises in regulatory compliance in the food, retail and FMCG sectors, covering product compliance, sales and advertising and post-market issues.

She provides highly complex advice in relation to a broad spectrum of regulations throughout the supply chain, advising businesses on regulatory risk and risk mitigation strategies relating to a variety of food and other consumer goods, as well related post-consumer legislation on waste and recycling. Her food law expertise covers regulated products (i.e. novel foods, food additives etc.) and other matters related to compositional requirements, food labelling and advertising, including nutrition and health claims and environmental claims. She advocates for clients during policy and legislative developments, most recently having engaged with the Irish Government on their 'latte levy'.

Georgia provides advice for some of the largest and most well-known food and retail brands and due to her in-house experience on secondment for a listed multinational food-products corporation, has dealt with compliance issues arising for food and retail businesses. She also provides specialist due diligence support on corporate transactions.

Since 2021 Georgia has been on the Food Standards Agency's (FSA's) Welsh Food Advisory Committee as an independent expert, selected for her experience and practical knowledge of food law and consumer protection (having previously worked for the Advertising Standards Agency and Leatherhead Food Research). She has a unique insight into the devolved powers exercised across the UK in relation to food law and the impact of these powers following Brexit and the UK Internal Markets Act.


  • Chartered Institute of Legal Executives

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