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Who's driving the high street overhaul?

23 April 2019
The need to ‘reinvent, reform and reboot’ our high streets is the focus of the latest in a series of seminars delivered by global legal business, DWF.

Taking place at Titanic Belfast on 9 May and led by DWF’s Belfast team in partnership with Retail NI, the seminar will explore the new policies and priorities for our towns and city centres.

Keynote speaker will be Andrew Carter, Chief Executive of the leading think tank, Centre for Cities who will explain the key drivers to boosting economic performance.  Other speakers will include Sue Gray, Permanent Secretary for Dept for Finance who will outline government policy relating to the fixing of business rates for the 21st century. 

Welcoming all those with an interest in the future of the city centre, Ken Rutherford, Executive Partner, DWF Belfast said: 

“The relationship between retail, the high street and the consumer is fluid and it’s clear the pace of change is only set to accelerate in 2019 and beyond.  Public and private sector collaboration is vital if we are to make a success of our city deals, reboot economic thinking and drive the ‘overhaul’ of our Hight Streets.”

Glyn Roberts, Chief Executive of Retail NI added:

“2019 will be the year of retail reinvention and rapid change for our town centres. Our joint conference will focus on the solutions to the many challenges facing our retail sector.”

The seminar runs from 10.45am in the Andrews Gallery and closes with a networking lunch from 1- 2pm. Full details are available here >



Further Reading