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Meeting of Polish Chamber of Electromobility Development

Date: 27 April 2023, 11:00 - 15:00
Location: DWF Poland Jamka sp.k. Pl. Małachowskiego 2 00-066 Warszawa

Join us in Poland to discuss challenges and opportunities for the logistic sector related to electromobility with top professionals from the sector. You can also join our meeting online to participate in the presentations and take part in the discussion.

View event details in Polish >

Event details


In less than 12 years electric trucks will become the standard mode of transportation in EU. Car transportation will be cheaper, quieter and less harmful to the environment. This means new investment opportunities for the logistic real estate sector. Please joint our working group meeting.

On March 28, 2023, EU energy ministers gave final approval to a regulation that bans sale of cars powered by fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline throughout the common market EU from the year 2035. Similar regulations concerning the trucks are in legislative process.

We will face a rapid shifting into electric transportation, which will impact logistic market in various ways. Examples include:

  • Logistic centers will include on-site charging stations or will be located near charging stations.
  • Logistic centers will invest in renewable energy sources and energy storage solutions to support the increased demand for electricity and optimize costs.
  • Building design of logistic center will accommodate the needs of electric vehicles. This includes the installation of charging stations and the provision of dedicated charging areas.
  • Electric vehicles may need dedicated parking areas within a logistic real estate to accommodate their charging needs. This may impact the layout of logistic center and the amount of space required.


11:00 - 11:10: Introduction
11:10 - 11:30: New regulations limiting the sale of cars powered by fossil fuels – Bartosz Clemenz, DWF
11:30 - 11:50: Impact of electromobility on logistic centers – Krzysztof Burda, CEO, PIRE
11:50 - 12:30: Discussion
12:30 - 15:00: PIRE Networking & Business Lunch


Date and venue

Thursday 27 April, 11:00 - 15:00

DWF Poland Jamka sp.k.
Pl. Małachowskiego 2 
00-066 Warszawa