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Paige Dennison

Advocate, DWF in Leeds

Paige is an Advocate who joined DWF Chambers in January 2021 and has experience in small claims trials, applications, CMCs and drafting.
Paige Dennison


Paige joined DWF Chambers in January 2021 having spent the years since completion of her BTPC in a variety of paralegal roles dealing with personal injury, housing, childcare and re-mortgaging so appreciates the demands of case management and handling client’s expectations. 

Since joining DWF Chambers, Paige has established her practice predominantly in RTA work in attending small claims trials, CMCs and applications as well as increasing her drafting experience for a variety of matters including; witness statements in support of an applications; witness statements for use at trial; defences and Particulars of Claims as well as advice on the prospects of success. 

Whilst Paige’s work at Chambers has largely been Defendant focused, Paige has experience of acting for claimants so is able to assess and understand the position on both sides. Paige is praised by those instructing for the manner in which she takes conduct of the case and by her lay clients for being attentive and supportive pre and post-trial. 

Paige also receives an increasing number of instructions to deal with Recovery matters dealing with Bankruptcy Petition hearings and Orders for Sale as she is able to deal with these confidently and concisely in being able to identify quickly what is required in these proceedings.

The majority of her work is dealing with RTA matters, however Paige has expanded her practice into Consumer and Contract matters with an increasing amount of instructions from BT and the commercial team which includes small claims trials, applications as well as the drafting of witness statements and defences.

Career Path

  • University of Hull, LLB (Hons)
  • University of Law, BPTC
  • Called to the Bar (Lincoln's Inn) March 2019


  • Lincolns Inn Hardwicke Entrance Award, 2017
  • Lincolns Inn Mary MacMurray Scholarship, 2017