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Being a Wellbeing Champion


Read Sam Pringle's story about her Wellbeing Champion role, and the impact its had on colleagues.

1. Please let us know about your Wellbeing Champion role
I became a Wellbeing Champion around 12 months ago. The role essentially comprises being the eyes and ears for wellbeing on the ground. We have regular meetings where we can present feedback on ideas and issues surrounding wellbeing, and help to devise and shape the business' wellbeing strategy and agenda. 
2. What do you like the most about being a Wellbeing Champion?
I think wellbeing is extremely important and being a Wellbeing Champion enables me to make a difference to the people working at DWF. It allows me to feedback opinions and come up with ways the business can help tackle and help support its people with their wellbeing, as well as supporting and progressing the business' wellbeing agenda.
3. What wellbeing initiatives are you currently involved in and are planning in the future?

I am currently focused on pushing the business' wellbeing message and agenda out to colleagues. The Wellbeing Committee and Wellbeing Champions have been doing lots of great work in this space including introducing webinars on various wellbeing topics such as mental health, healthy living and mindfulness to name a few as well as introducing new employee benefits such as GymPass and rolling out mental health training for managers.

Following on from all of this great work we want to get feedback from our colleagues on how its being received and whether there are any other issues or items people would like us to take forward. On that basis, I am currently involved in presenting and holding round table discussions with various different groups here at DWF from our new trainee intake to our senior leaders.

4. How has DWF supported your wellbeing?
I am part of a really supportive team here at DWF and I think people can make a huge difference to your general wellbeing. I know a lot of people found lockdown difficult with some people living alone and working around childcare or other responsibilities. Members of my team held regular lunchtime Teams calls where we would get together and just have a general catch up, which really helped maintain our team spirit and supported our general wellbeing during a difficult time.

"I think wellbeing is extremely important and being a Wellbeing Champion enables me to make a difference to the people working at DWF."

Sam Pringle, Associate
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