Her significant experience in relation to strategy and risk transfer includes various aspects of risk transfer and liability management exercises including advising employers and trustees on a range of aspects including readying schemes for buy-in/buy-out and advice on steps required; requirements including in terms of scheme rules and suggested adjustments/approaches; benefit specifications including review and drafting and advice on and drafting appropriate indemnities for trustees.
Vicki also has a great deal of experience in relation to Public Sector scheme (including the Local Government Pension Scheme) and mirror image schemes including in relation to outsourcing, admission agreements and issues relating to employer participation in and exits from the relevant schemes for both scheme employers and admitted bodies/contractors.
Vicki regularly advises on duties and obligations in respect of auto-enrolment including in respect of maintaining compliance with the obligations, rectifying issues when things have gone wrong (and where identified in the context of corporate transaction – putting in place appropriate protection for the buyer/bidder) and monitoring changes.
Through our professional independent trustee company, providing trustee support to a portfolio of occupational pension schemes (large and small) with a variety of different benefit structures (including DB, DC and hybrid). This assists appreciation of the importance of receiving clear practical advice and also understanding the point of view and challenges of trustees.
Vicki leads on our award winning 5 STAR Futures programme in Scotland working with Govan High School and St Benedict's High School