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The Future of the Hospitality Customer Journey

20 November 2020
The Future of the Hospitality Customer Journey

This report summarises our conversations with hospitality business leaders, noting how the 'future of the customer journey' has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We reflect on the short-term measures available to weather this storm, plus long-term opportunities to enable an emergence from this global crisis in an even stronger position.

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Our Hospitality Sector Team joined together with The Institute of Hospitality to host a roundtable with industry leaders to understand what the future of the customer journey would look like. This report takes into consideration  these insights with added legal guidance from the DWF Hospitality Team to take a deeper look at the following:

  1. What have hospitality businesses learnt from the COVID-19 crisis so far?
  2. What are the main opportunities arising out of the crisis for the hospitality sector?
  3. What are the main challenges hospitality businesses will face moving forwards?

The pandemic has presented a rare opportunity for businesses within the hospitality sector to undertake a ruthless assessment of their business. Whilst the COVID-19 crisis is so devastating, it's important to look at the positives. This report highlights some of the ways businesses can be inventive and experimental to embrace change, adapt quickly and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

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If you'd like to discuss any of the topics raised in this report, please get in touch with our team on the contact details below.