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Alarm Conference 2022

20 June 2022

DWF is proud to sponsor the ALARM conference 2022, with members of our leading local authority claims and legal team on hand from 3-5 July to answer your questions.

Reducing the costs of claims for local authorities

We're committed to helping our local authority and public sector clients to reduce the costs of claims, improve their risk profile and manage their reputation in the face of often serious and highly sensitive challenges. Some of the ways in which we do this are outlined below, along with the details of our key team members should you have any further queries.

To keep you up to speed with the latest trends, legal updates, reports and news from DWF we provide regular update e-mails.

Subscribe to receive our latest insurance and public sector insights 


Our Local Authority services include:

ALARM 2022

Small panel local authority

Local Authority

We make sure that austerity and reduced budgets don’t leave you open to risk and public scrutiny.

panel cma small

Claims Management & Adjusting

We provide a blended solution of claims management, adjusting and legal expertise from first notification of loss cradle-to-grave claims management.

Small panel local authority

Arboricultural Law

Our legal and arboricultural experts know that you need to balance claim spend reduction with protection of the natural environment. We can help you manage this by assisting on tree risk policies and strategies, as well as robustly defending claims when they arise.

Small panel regulatory and investigations

Crisis and Incident Management Service UK

Whether you find yourself dealing with a workplace accident, environmental incident, economic crime & fraud investigation, general crime and road traffic investigation, or an unexpected visit from a regulator, our crisis and incident management experts are on hand to guide and assist you. 

Register for our 24/7 hotline to safeguard your reputation and protect your business. The service is led by our Tier 1 ranked UK Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations Team.

Sign up today

Small panel police care and justice

Police, Care & Justice

We advise police forces, healthcare, custodial and justice providers balancing issues such as reputational risk against a background of an uncertain commercial and economic climate.

Small panel local government

Regional & Local Government

The delivery of frontline services to communities increasingly relies on a government's ability to do more with less and to respond to changing regulatory and funding frameworks with solutions and robust strategies - all securely and legally. With this, having legal support from those with a solid understanding of regional and local government  can be very important.


Latest Insights

Alarm 2022

Small panel developments explained

'Failure to remove' claims

A summary of the conjoined appeal of two cases concerning the issue of whether the defendant local authorities owed a duty of care to keep the claimants safe from the foreseeable risk of injury from their respective families.

Small panel clients

Claimant refused extension of time

The High Court recently dismissed a claimant's application for an extension of time to serve his Particulars of Claim. In this article we explain the procedural background and why the application was dismissed. 

Small panel public sector
Reports & Publications

Will Levelling Up meet voter priorities?

DWF's YouGov survey examines the views of voters in England's North and Midlands. Read about the key findings in our report.