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Brave New Law: Webinar - Cracking Collaboration

10 December 2020

Watch the recording where our panel of experts provide practical insights and advice on the essential business skill of collaboration and what makes for a successful and effective collaboration experience.

Many of the biggest business challenges we face such as inclusion and sustainability need collaborative solutions. Collaboration is a complex skill which needs to be learnt, trained and practised but it is fundamental for business success in the 21st century, during our webinar 97% of our listeners agreed with this, voting collaboration to be an essential skill.

In this webinar our panel of legal experts from different organisations discussed their own personal experiences of what makes for successful collaboration. 

Watch the full webinar

Learn how to facilitate successful collaboration within your team by:

  • Promoting collaboration as an opportunity to engage with many members of the team on projects that haven't been done before as an incentive. 
  • Bringing together members of your team every day to make it a skill that is a permanent part of the way you work.
  • Developing a balance of where collaboration is necessary and where it is not, considering the best outcome for the whole business and learning how to flex your collaboration style each day.
  • Bringing people together effectively and providing a clear framework and understanding of what is expected of the team.
  • Ensuring your legal function is not a siloed function but integrated through all areas of the business.
  • Taking 'the law' out of a scenario to get the best collaboration from your team.


  • Craig Chaplin, Commercial Director at DWF Mindcrest
  • Paul Boyle, Group Deputy General Counsel, Serco
  • William Deckelman, General Counsel, DXC Technologies
  • Alana Tart, Senior Counsel, Digital & Privacy Law, Philip Morris International
  • Catherine McGregor, Author, Consultant and Thought Leadership Expert 
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Coming together to work better
Read the insights from our group of general counsel from around the world who recently talked about collaboration.

Further Reading