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Solicitor Apprenticeship - Insight Session

Date: 29 November 2023, 10:30 - 12:00
Location: Microsoft Teams
0117 Apprenticeships WT Banner 767 x 431

At DWF we understand that university is not for everyone and appreciate that practical work experience, alongside studying, works better for some individuals. DWF offer exciting apprenticeship opportunities for those looking to start their career as a Solicitor Apprentice and we're delighted to host this Insight session where you can find out more about the opportunity and application process.

Event Details

This session will provide an insight into our Solicitor Apprenticeship opportunity as well as a chance to meet some of our current Apprentice Solicitors to hear about their journey’s here at DWF. This session will be hosted by Ben Winstanley, our Early Careers and Apprenticeship Specialist, who will provide an application masterclass providing information on how to make your application standout from the rest.


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