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Spotlight on Manchester

28 June 2022

Our July 'Spotlight On' feature focuses on Manchester where we interviewed Tom Charnley, co-chair of DWF's Link Network and Dispute Resolution Senior Associate and Alice Healy, a Solicitor at DWF and co-chair of the Manchester branch of DWF's Link Network.

1. Please tell us a bit about yourself, your job and where in the world you work.

Tom: I'm Tom Charnley, a Senior Associate at DWF within the Dispute Resolution team in Manchester. I am also the co-chair of DWF's Link Network and help to run and organise events both locally and internationally.

Alice: I'm Alice Healy, a Solicitor at DWF within the Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations team in Manchester.  I assist Tom by co-chairing the Manchester branch of DWF's Link network. 

2. What key industries/sectors do you work with? (e.g. energy, insurance, transport, telecommunications)

Tom: My work within the Dispute Resolution team covers a variety of sectors, and a major limb of my speciality involves boardroom disputes. Given the nature of that work, I could be working with shareholders of an e-commerce company one day, and advising the directors of a transport and logistics company the next. 

Alice: My work within the Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations team is also broad and covers a wide variety of industries and sectors.  I focus mainly on health and safety law and environmental law and have advised a range of clients including insurers, retailers, food manufacturers, metal manufacturers and telecommunications businesses.   

3. What do you enjoy most about your job?

Tom: The work I do involves advising both individuals and large corporate entities. This provides me with varied and diverse instructions, opinions and motivations. I find that variety fascinating and enjoy understanding and providing a satisfactory outcome for a variety of entitles.  

Alice: Every health and safety case I work on is unique in some way and a key part of my job is getting to know clients inside out so that we can advise them fully in respect of any regulatory scrutiny they are facing.  This makes every day different, and I enjoy expanding my knowledge of the commercial world!  The environmental work I do is often technical and complex, which I also find interesting and challenging. 

4. What makes Manchester unique compared to other locations? 

Tom: Manchester is a fantastic and bustling city, filled with wonderful Mancunians. Whether you are in to music, art, sport or culture, Manchester has it all in abundance. 

Alice: I agree with Tom.  Manchester is a great place to work and is full of kind people with a great sense of humour.

5. What piece of advice would you give to a YP looking to work in the Manchester office?

Tom: Bring an umbrella. 

Alice: Not an umbrella, a coat with a hood.  The umbrella would break if it's windy!

6. If a YP from another country was coming to visit you, where would you take them?

Tom: With Alice being the socialite, I'll let her answer…

Alice: Every person visiting Manchester needs to have a night out in Albert's Schloss.  Live music and a great atmosphere, what more could you want!  

7. If you could work anywhere else in the world where would it be?

Alice: I would say Australia.  The nice weather would be a welcome change!

If you have any questions about Manchester as a place to work, live or visit please contact Tom Charnley or Alice Healy.

Further Reading